Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Random Analysis / Eko / Farris NUCLEAR Torture

Stressed, anxious, worried, about everything I just cry and cry and cry most of the night. I want company scared to ask for it, anxious when I have it... Never ending battle. Scared to ask for help as I don't want to be a bother. I spent tonight trying to distract myself not knowing what to do.

My mind keeps literally going blank on small things and I worry ill forget something important.

I'm torn, I love my friends, I care for my friends... They're arguing and say hurtful things about each other even include me. I drop things for my friends help them people often think I want something when I act that way but I honestly just to help and see a smile one my favourite things in the world as corny as it sounds.

I see things going sour in all of my social groups from backstabbings, misunderstandings, anger, depression, anxiety, body image, power, and more.

It all becomes to much I just get to a point where fuck all the pressures I'm going to watch random videos, eat trash, fap and sleep.

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