Friday, 23 September 2011

Dictionary Of Handwriting / Oh, Hello Spiral

This sucks I want everything back the way it was, I don't wanna work (but really need the money) I'd rather stay home and sulk on bed all night till I'm too tired to continue and fall asleep. I went to a party full of people I really don't care about (not all of them some are great people) just standing in not even looking interested in anything they are talking about cos I wasn't, we are just too different now to what i was those years ago in high school. I feel as if everything I've done up to this point has been a waste of time like when I have my 21st in November will anyone go out of their way to come or will they go "its just him". I hate the fact my brain is right, the reason why I went to this party was for one reason and one reason only to see one person the second I lay eyes on her I feel like I'm on a high I can't come down from..... but not tonight, tonight brain tells me "Please don't, its not worth it". I think I like my heart better even if it is stupid at times.

Nearly 21 years of being single..... I guess it is just me its a shallow game out there. All I really have is I'm caring, a great listener, and committed nothing attractive.

Forty Six & 2 - Tool - Ænima


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