Wednesday, 11 April 2012

By Way Of Choice / Raw Dog

I live with discomfort at times trying to be sympathetic to others interests and loves one thing that has always made me uncomfortable with the odd rare occasion is animals I like them but am specific. It sounds weird I know but I guess I'm the same with people as well. I may sound like a heartless person but I would have kept driving if I stopped for every animal I saw and felt for every animal or person I saw I would have a breakdown. If I say that I'm a terrible person even though I'm just being honest. I feel for things because others do which at times is a huge problem for me. I maybe should have waited I don't know. I could rage and say blah blah I didn't want this in the first place but I won't because if I was smart I would have defined it more clearly. I don't know however I could have handled it I still don't think I would have got it right. There's things I want to say that I feel are the truth but they are to hurtful and cause too much problems and will be thrown back at me. I essentially have blood on my hands of course I don't feel good maybe I should have waited. I'm not good with animals I admit but it doesn't mean I hate them I do like animals its weird but most make me uncomfortable always have. Very few exceptions. I'll admit I have trouble making decisions sometimes maybe this was the wrong one...of course from an animal lovers point of view it is... this post paints me in a bad light I'll admit but its a weird situation to explain...well from my perspective anyway. I don't want to think about what I've done I'll cry again... I unwilling entered a situation that I can't talk about because no matter which way I explain it I'm the terrible person. Go for a quick drive to K-Mart then cook tea hopefully it will take my mind off of things...

Kill Rock'N'Roll - System Of A Down - Hypnotize

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