Sunday, 18 December 2011

Drugs Have Done Good Things / Love-Hate-Sex-Pain

I'd like to begin by commenting on an post I saw today referring to anti-depressants.... To this person I know you have your reasons for not approving of the drugs but at the end of the day maybe that person you know who has been on them 5+ years  also without ongoing therapy, you can't take a drug that effects your body & mind therefore influencing your behavior with out seeing someone about your psychological problems and ongoing behavior who is impartial to all of it to get a fresh perspective. The drugs I am taking are prescribed  by both a medical and psychological practitioner and am being seen ongoing for monitoring of any relapses or irregularities in my personality and behavior and I am keeping an open mind to it all and taking advice and criticism to how I am behaving around others. To hopefully improve myself I won't be on them forever I can assure you and neither should the person you know either unless she has something other than depression I don't know about. Depression in my opinion especially after experiencing and still experiencing it needs to have more education to the topic its quite serious and quite treatable aswell.

OK positive list.....
  • Saw a friend from high school he did a small tweak on my car now it runs a hell of a lot better
  • Had dinner at my grandparents house
  • Picked up a random shift to clean on tuesday for money I badly need at the moment
  • Got a positive mention from a close friend
  • Got a phone call from my former awesome boss
I have to say something someone I know is behaving to very, I repeat very sexist and rude for a while I thought it was just harsh jokes referring to the opposite sex now I see it for what it is he can say its not but I think otherwise he was really rude to some close friends and co-workers tonight and they are lovely people. I get you don't want to give money can't you polite about it like most people at least try to be. Gah then try have a crack at a friend of mine who I am sorta up and down about in a blunt way that may actually get him somewhere. At the end of the day strippers are lovely people (most of them not all) who are just ordinary people(most of them) like you or me try and at least be polite I know the career is quite controversial but most of them don't particularly love it either so just try and keep an open mind and at least treat them with the same respect they give you.

Today has been fairly average just nothing at all and me being lazy and quiet. At least I have Opeth Later Can't Wait :).

The Moor - Opeth - Still Life

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