Monday, 28 November 2011

Memory Imprints (Never End) / Pajama Party Horror

Somethings never change which I love and hate to be honest such as regular social events, or coming full circle in many different ways good and bad. Sucks I have a new image of her in my head I wish I could have her in my head but not in that way I don't feel as lonely anymore I don't know why I'm sure they'll come back... but at least they are gone for the moment maybe I can't suffer lust and loneliness at the same time I don't know its weird or maybe I'm just a sad individual also I hate the number 10 right now but also love it....

I love feeling comfortable around certain friends it makes me feel better. I'm going to a night out for quiet drinks and dinner soon to see an old friend/ former co-worker who has complete opposite ideals to me I never understood how we got along but we did and still do like a house on fire lol. Its been weeks uni hasn't given me a probation in anyway e-mail or letter or anything makes me happy :). At the moment things are fucked and good in some ways to more fucked up but I'm handling it well and hopefully I can keep up with the weight loss and healthy eating am trying to stay positive thanks to friends for ongoing support I would never have got this far without any of you and I really mean that.

Thanks Bro - Filter - Songs in the Key of X: Music from and Inspired by the X-Files

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