Friday, 4 November 2011

Up The Downstair (Reprised) / With Tired Eyes, Tired Minds, Tired Souls, We Slept

Last night I got a test from someone who has so much faith and trust in me which I'm proud to say despite feelings I can give an honest answer to even if it left me drowning in thoughts most of the night. For some reason last night I have no idea why but I was tired beyond function drifting in and out, eyes becoming cross eyed at an hour that has become regular for me it was strange felt like literally passing the fuck out and I eventually did. I'm still tired but I have to get up and get ready for this BBQ I get to see an old mate and my brother people i rarely get to hang with anymore should be fun....I'm still so very tired....

Make Up Your Mind - Theory Of A Deadman - Theory Of A Deadman (Self-Titled)

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