Socially fucking retarded I blow an opportunity for a friend cos I'm fucking dumb I twig last second or try not to make things obvious but I take to long and bang I fuck things up like I always do, all I do is cause problems for those around me and they try to be nice put up with me and not go off at me cos of how I am its nothing but a bullshit excuse... I know I've said it before but later tomoz after a bad exam I should just go home and lock myself away that way I'm in nobodies way.
I hate this... why is life so essentially shit all I seem to do is get in someone's way and one friend in particular I'm so sorry I wish I could make it up to you I know I can't.
I wake up with a spring in my step a smile on my face no idea why.... then I come crashing down *loud sigh face*
Isolation - Alter Bridge - ABIII
Dude it's all good ^_^ your friends think you're ace. Now go sleep and dominate that exam or no breakfast for you!