Sunday, 30 October 2011

No Re-Entry? / Deadwing

I wake up honestly to lazy to do anything I'm still in bed as I type this just tired & bored I need something in my life to entertain me, I'm going to head to my folks hear them say they are unhappy with how things are and I'm just going to be like that's nice its going to happen though it's my birthday celebration  if you don't like it I guess you can celebrate with me next year and to tell them to leave my brother alone its obvious he is sick of it... being the middle man that is he has nothing to do with it.

I get contacted out of the blue by someone that has been a little bit of a mystery to me and at the moment I don't know how I feel a week seems like an eternity but I haven't seen you in like months now :(. I also lost Golden Susan last night I'm sad now.... RIP Susan.

In Loving Memory - Alter Bridge - One Day Remains


1 comment:

  1. Life be boring without me running around like a derp in the house and yelling at pancakes? :P Good luck with the folks and I sah sad.....Susan, noooo :'( He was the pretty one D:

