Wednesday, 8 February 2012

My Head Sounds Like That / East of Baldock and Ashford

I have fun then come crashing down by myself all i can think is I'm a fuck....waste of space....I'm a fucking fuckhead. I run dark scenarios in my head. I dream at night people ridding me from their lives I wake up check Facebook to see if it's true as I can't tell as it seems real. I realize to myself I'm unattractive I could never turn heads no one will ever see me as ever a romantic interest I go to a party knowing that I could never get lucky I'll always be the guy that will cracks jokes, there for support, a number buffer. People joke about me being a virgin and I worry that I really will end up being a 40 year old virgin. Some nights I may have dark thoughts which can bring me to tears making me feel crazy. I know people worse off than me what's my problem why am I such a wreck all day I alternate between bed and computer I'm bored constantly life just seems blah. I sound pathetic whinging over just fucking nothing most nights I feel like trash.

Trash - Korn - Issues


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