Sunday, 8 January 2012

The Missing / This Long Hour

I think I may be a tad physically run down, body always desperate for sleep but me going "But I wanna do this and this and ....*falls into sleep*". Work was long, slow and boring last night only thing keeping me alive was social aspect to work. I talk to someone tonight...well actually a few people and it seems people are partying having flings and hooking up while I sit here watching on hearing about people saying it so calmly and passively not to rub it in my face, I know that but for me if that happened it would be big news OMG! so excited. I suppose sometimes that can make me feel inadequate I know I'm whining on and on but its how I feel I suppose I'm jealous and feel its a void. I feel like a hole has been open for a while in my life needing and begging to be filled I like to think I will treat that person right whoever it will be even I have no clue. I know it sounds like I'm down from that above but I actually am quite up and happy (well I'm going to sleep in a sec cos I just finished work). List:
  • Random free pizza at end of work
  • Finished work in record time
  • Saw a friend for his 21st
  • Hung with a mate watching movies and stuff
  • Derp Housemate is gone :)
 Hmmm I have no idea kind of empty but at least I'm happy hopefully I can participate in social activities tomorrow(today) without falling asleep like last night lol.

Consider This - Filter - Short Bus


1 comment:

  1. Well I was out partying but definitely not having flings.....can't say the same for others though some people lol!
